Vogue Bouquet
Vogue Bouquet
A classic all-rose bouquet of white blooms fit for a bride! Consists of 24 stems of pure white roses with stems wrapped in white satin ribbon with pearl pin accents. Approximately 12 inches.
Important Notes:
A al carte orders must meet a $500 minimum.
No minimum on a la carte items if pairing with Revery Rental items.
A al carte items include delivery within 35 miles of our Copley, OH studio
If delivery is needed past 35 miles we charge $2/ per mile and this will be invoiced separately.
How to order:
Add a la carte items to your cart and enter your wedding date, delivery address to the "Special Instructions" box. We will then be in touch via email to confirm your order and schedule delivery.
Please note that we are located in Copley, Ohio and only deliver within 75 miles of our location.